Fashion Revolution Week
To wrap up Fashion Revolution Week, we’re sharing some ideas on how you can stay involved all year round. We’re inspired by #FashRev and the change they’re making to create a fairer, more compassionate and sustainable fashion industry.
If you haven’t heard of Fashion Revolution before, this insightful quote from the organisers is the best introduction to the campaign:
“Fashion Revolution Week is the time when we come together as a global community to create a better fashion industry. It centres around the anniversary of the Rana Plaza factory collapse, which killed 1,138 people and injured many more on 24 April 2013. This year, as we mark 8 years since the tragedy, Fashion Revolution Week will focus on the interconnectedness of human rights and the rights of nature. Our campaign will amplify unheard voices across the fashion supply chain and harness the creativity of our community to explore innovative and interconnected solutions.” -
Whilst incidents like this are rare, campaigns such as this are necessary to ensure the safety of all garments workers across the globe. We’re fully on board with the Fashion Revolution mission and we’re eager to amplify the work that this organisation does. This year, their work is centred around Rights, Relationships and Revolution.
Why are Inkthreadable involved?
We care about the fashion revolution, so we're focused on remaining transparent about our production methods! We may have been built on decorating pre-manufactured garments, but we’re focused on supplying as many sustainable options as we possibly can. To kickstart sustainable fashion, we also need sustainable producers!
The first step to action is transparency, and we encourage this for all brands that print with us. One of the ways that we remain transparent is by detailing all of the manufacturers that we work with, down to the content of the inks that we use to print your garments.
We love clothes and we enjoy printing them, so in our own company, we make every effort to reduce our impact and improve the human rights of all workers involved. This includes ensuring that our workplace is gender-equal, paying all workers a fair wage regardless of their age, using only 100% plastic-free packaging, recycling unused garments instead of contributing to landfill, and reducing our carbon footprint with local tree-planting initiatives.
We know that there’s still a long way to go until we achieve true sustainability, but we’re excited about introducing more earth-friendly policies to get us closer to our goals. Check out our Earth Day blog post for more information about this from our co-founder Amy.
We’re not the only ones focused on improving the impact of the fashion industry! We work closely with Stanley/Stella who are pioneers of producing garments built on fair human rights, low impact, plus they’re proud to offer the most fashion-forward blank garments to inspire creatives like you!
Our featured brand for sustainable fashion: Stanley / Stella
Since its inception, Stanley/Stella has been committed to making sustainable clothes with respect for people and the planet.
In partnership with the Fair Wear Foundation, Stanley/Stella’s garments are produced in Bangladesh, and they publicly release the names and contact details for every factory they work with. This is quite a rare thing in fashion, with brands often hiding behind anonymity when it comes to their manufacturing processes.
They only work with 100% organic cotton and recycled materials and are GOTS certified, which means no harmful chemicals are used in their production methods.
You can find more information about Stanley/Stella’s commitment to sustainability here:
Get involved
If you’re passionate about sustainability and fair work, here are some educational resources to help you create the change that we need in the fashion industry. From being transparent about the garments you use to writing letters to policymakers, these resources cover all aspects of the problem and prepare you for becoming involved in making the change.
- Use your brand to open up a discussion and answer customer questions on social media. Ask your customers to post #WhoMadeMyClothes and respond by tagging @fash_rev and use the hashtags #IMadeYourClothes and #IMadeYourFabric to explain the process and show that you’re committed to transparency.
- Display information on your website about the production of your products. If they’re made from 100% fair wear organic cotton, flaunt it!
- Share information on social media to raise awareness and support the movement, with this social shareable pack from Stanley / Stella.
- Read this booklet from the British Council x Fashion Revolution on how to be a Fashion Revolutionary.
- Learn how to get even more involved with this YouTube series from Fashion Revolution:
Make a fashion revolution every day!