Breaking the Chains of Production

As with any product on the market today, from an apple to an automobile, its quality is a key factor in influencing potential purchasers. All too often, many of these buyers are short-sighted in this respect, looking only at the final few steps of what has been a long and complex process, involving an entire chain of people, to bring the product to this final, ready-to-sell stage. Inkthreadable believe that it’s long past time to start addressing this problem and so we set our sights a little further…


We’re not saying that final production stages are not important; of course they are. But we hold a deeper belief that unhappy, unconsidered and under-represented people fundamentally devalue the thing they are producing, regardless of how good it tastes, drives or feels like to wear when it reaches the end user. These people very often work the hardest, tolerating working conditions that are unthinkably dire and receiving the bare minimum of reward to keep them alive until their next shift begins.

Not thinking about such things is one way to deal with the issue. The sweet taste of the apple or the comfortable smoothness of the automobile’s handling help many people in this respect. Another, in our opinion far better, way to deal with the issue is to attack it head-on by refusing to accept products created in such inhumane fashion. That’s why we offer a massive range of fair-wear and organic garments that, from production to printing, respect everyone involved as well as the planet we all share, without compromising any of the luxury. Indeed, these garments are all the more luxurious as you get that happy, cosy feeling inside as well as out. Plus you don’t have to utilise mind-manipulation techniques on yourself. 

The biggest range of these garments come from the Continental Clothing Brand, which has been involved in the industry for more than 20 years. They design, manufacture and distribute quality clothing in a truly socially-responsible way and have done since 1994: Inkthreadable offer two of their bestselling brands, namely Continental® and Eart­­hPositive®. The company joined the Fair Wear foundation in 2006 and regularly prove their social compliance values in independent audits. Their clothing is guaranteed to be produced:

  • Without the use of child labour or forced labour
  • In safe, healthy working conditions without any form of discrimination
  • Under strict, fully-legal labour contracts that guarantee a living wage and forbid excessive working hours
  • By employees with full freedom of association and the right to bargain collectively
  • In a climate-neutral way, which means with the use of renewable energy sources and raw materials

Nobody can fail to see how these approaches are beneficial to all concerned, right along the chain of production. The next step is to register with us today and make a sample order, letting you see, and feel, for yourself. Do it today and we’ll even give you a tasty discount. Ready? Set? GO!

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